We went camping. Yeah! With our prius. How nerdy-earthy is that?
Am I There Yet?
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I had the privilege to work with the above people for the North American Division Adventist Ministries Convention, hosted at the Innisbrook Resort in Tampa, Florida. While the resort had it's 70s charm, it was beautiful and refreshing. The convention, however was hectic and unexpected. Not in any bad way, just surprising. One shouldn't plan to relax while organizing, performing, traveling, sleeping, working, reminiscing, walking, talking.
I had such high hopes of dripping slowly into a resort pool with some newspaper and a year-old national geographic. and it just didn't happen. I'm regretful, but I'm not unhappy. Doing music efficiently, intentionally, beautifully (well, mostly) is something to be cherished. I'm happy to say that we pulled through a lot of music in a short time, with minimal train wrecks and sweaty foreheads. It was a blessing—for me if nobody else. which, having said that makes me feel old or mature, or somehow spiritually expressive, which is not my typical style.
more pics.

Sunday, July 10, 2011
California Family
Had a great July 4 weekend with Jason & Jami! Family and oceans are always a great combo.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
almost a year.
this is what we look like now. life is good, busy, and full of learning lessons. humility is such a co-requisite, not only in marriage, but in life. proverbs says it too. I've also learned that working strategically is the key for non-traditional working. I've yet to make that my full reality. after passing the third decade, I've also found myself making less dreams. or maybe I've found myself questioning current dreams, with the intention of being ultimately satisfied with my achievements, rather than disappointed in my ability to act.
at this point in the post, I hurl, thinking how sophomoric this sounds. but then, maybe, life is truly cyclical, with certain lessons always needing to be re-learned, re-assessed, relatively speaking. circle game it is.
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Sistine Chapel stitch
We were told we couldn't take pictures in the sistine chapel. and then we got there, and it was like paparazzi central. so I joined in.
Sunday, April 17, 2011

yep, it was time again to quench that travel bug. this time with someone. it was a whirlwind trip. family, friends, old libyan friends, rain, and abundant caribbean food in the UK. pizza, cheese, statues, paintings in Roma and Venezia. walking, talking, learning, and subways, small hotel rooms, early flights, and the like. can't wait to plan another new adventure. click the pic to hit my flickr page for more of a photolog.
Sunday, March 06, 2011
This is what we look like now. Almost 7 months of marriage, and we're doing quite good, I think.